Tools for collaborating. What do you use?
What online tools do you use to collaborate both within your organisation and with others?
Since LocalGovCamp earlier this year I’ve been working with other LocalGov Digital Makers on pilot projects such as Pipeline, Pulse and Localo using tools such as Trello, Slack and GitHub. The Cabinet Office published a guide for civil servants earlier this year and it would be great to make something similar for the local government space.
This coming Thursday we’re hosting the first of what I hope will be many Makers Meet Ups (there are still a few seats left). The aim is to get people interested in working together and then actually do it using the tools we’ve discovered so far.
I’d be interested to hear what tools you use [or would like to] to collaborate – what are the successes, failures or issues; how did you get people to engage? One of the big hindrances is the technical and physical restrictions between councils that mean some can use services like Google Docs and Trello, whilst others find their browser isn’t the right version or network security restrictions prevent access meaning staff have to resort to personal equipment and use in their personal time.
Leave a comment below, tweet me (@BforBen) or @LocalGovDigital.